Who Run the World?
Empower women = empower the village
A vital component to a thriving community is ensuring that women have the tools they need and, importantly, a sense of agency that they can improve their own lives and the lives of their children. In many villages worldwide women collaborate and support each other within a family group, and helping them realize what they can do collectively within their community can have enormous impact.
With tools, support, and encouragement, women work together to improve their lives, their families, and their community
When Korotimi Haidara first began working in Dagabo, Mali as part of the One Global Village team she opened many opportunities for both the team and the women in the village. Having a female translator hugely expanded the US team’s ability to understand and address specific local needs (see Women’s Health for more details). When she started regularly visiting to oversee the Siraba School, she began encouraging the women to connect as a larger village collaborative, and helped them form the Dagabo Women’s Committee. Koro’s successful grant application to Rotary and purchase of the grinding mill (read Story) had a dramatic impact on the women’s lives, reducing the burden of daily care for their families, enabling many to save money and others to begin small businesses. After some initial seed funding, and with the additional income from the grinding mill, the Women’s Committee began a micro-lending program among themselves. From all of these steps, small and large, but mostly from sharing and spreading ideas of what is possible, this community is helping themselves collectively improve their lives.
Nassira and lunch ladies
Women's Committee Meeting
Hawa Doumbia
Dagabo Mothers
Prepping vegetables
Getting ready for lunch
Celebrating the new mill
The grinding mill
Women's Committee Leaders and Koro
Proud mama
Empowering women starts by empowering girls, and by encouraging their mothers to support their growth, self-care, and capabilities. We are excited to soon launch a Girls Empowerment effort in India in partnership with Sewa Sedan Eye Hospital Foundation, who support an all-girls school in Bhopal. More information coming soon!