Menstrual Health Management
Providing materials, education, and teacher training to help girls in India, Mali, and Uganda stay in school.
Lack of access to affordable, hygienic menstrual products affects millions of girls in the developing world. As many as 10% of school-aged girls worldwide miss classes due to difficulties managing their own menstrual health, 18% in India. The effect of these missed days is devastating, with girls losing up to 20% of their education, increasing the likelihood of dropping out, earlier marriage, and pregnancy. One Global Village wants to ensure no girls suffer from statistics such as these.
We provide menstrual health kits and education to girls outside Bhopal, India; in Gulu, Uganda; and in Dagabo and Piébougou, Mali. The kits contain reusable sanitary pads made by local collaboratives in India and Uganda, designed to provide effective, hygienic, and comfortable protection for 12+ months of use, as well as underwear, soap, washcloths, and a discreet bag. Medical Director Dr. Neblock-Beirne developed clear and concise materials for health educators to ensure that when the kits are distributed, girls receive usage instructions along with menstrual health and hygiene education. The kits are incorporated into the Health Education training in girls’ schools in India and coed schools in Mali, discussing menstrual health and hygiene with all students, and encouraging girls to not let anything get in the way of their education. One Global Village strives to find ways to help girls – and boys – overcome barriers to education.
Donate today to provide Menstrual Health Management support – biology shouldn’t be a barrier to a girl’s education.
Opening MHM kits
Government School Kurawar