In February our team of 25 traveled to Bhopal India to provide surgical care and education to the residents of Bhopal and its surrounding villages. This team along with our partners at Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital worked long and hard hours to complete 176 surgeries in one short week. New to this mission, but old hat for several, we added our Menstrual Health Management program to the India Mission. Through this program (supported by Rounding Up Undies for India, read more here) the MHM Team distributed 500+ Menstrual Health Management kits to area and rural school girls in tandem with educating the girls about menstrual health management and how these tools and supplies will help to keep them safe and in school. Read more about Menstrual Health Management in India here. Also new to this mission we added the Fire Safely and Burn Prevention Program. This team, in collaboration with the Bhopal Fire Brigade, visited local schools and 1000s of students where they taught and demonstrated fire safety and a new-to-them technique – Stop, Drop and Roll. Read more about the Fire Safety Training Program here.

What an incredible week and what a Team! The success of a mission like this one is so dependent on the team members, the skills that everyone brings, and the ability to all work together. The mission is also dependent on collaboration with our hosts. The staff and volunteers at Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital are extraordinary. We are more than thrilled with this partnership and look forward to many more years of working together.
India Mission summary:
- 25 participants
- 176 surgeries
- 500+ Menstrual Hygiene Kits distributed
- 1000+ attended Fire & Burn Prevention demonstrations
- Immeasurable impact
Gratitude and thanks to Pratibha and Naren Khare for bringing this opportunity to One Global Village, and thank you to Pratibha and Nyana for their many hours of help and support in planning this mission.
Opening MHM kits